God's Work Our Hands Sunday - September 11

Join Christ the King Lutheran - Nashua, Messiah Lutheran - Amherst, The Turkish Cultural Center - Bedford, and Gethsemane Lutheran - Manchester as we partner with Sleep In Heavenly Peace to build beds so that no child sleeps on the floor in our town!  Join us for all or some of the events that day - all are welcome, all are invited!


Worship - 9:30a @ Christ the King and live-streamed to YouTube

Registration/Lunch - shortly after 11am

Orientation/Safety Review - 12pm

Clean-Up and Head Home - 4pm-ish

There are three things you need to do now to be a part of this day of fellowship and service:

Register by going to:


Complete Indemnification Form by going to: 


Order Your T-Shirt = $17/each:

1. Place your t-shirt order at: https://forms.gle/wyTbWxJTEDByD69H6

2. Pay for your t-shirt order at: https://secure.myvanco.com/L-Z4JV/home

Please try to place your order by Saturday, August 27 in order for the shirt to be received in time for our event! 

If you have any questions please contact CtK's office @ 603-882-6142 or email at ctkadmin@ctknashua.org