• Pastor Kim Hester

    Pastor Kim was born in Philadelphia, PA, and grew up outside of Baltimore, MD. Growing up in the church she never saw herself as a pastor, in fact it wasn't until college that it even dawned on her that women could serve as pastor. With an undergraduate and master's degree in teaching, she taught Middle School Language Arts and reading for 3 years when God started whispering (yelling really) for her to enter full-time ministry.  After a brief "Jonah run" away from this call to Indiana University, Pastor Kim began her seminary studies at Trinity Lutheran Seminary in Columbus, Ohio where she received the Fund for Leaders in Mission Scholarship. Following Internship in Portland, OR she began her first call in Northern Virginia, then two calls in the Portland area, before she began her call here at Christ the King in March 2019.

    She is married to Karl, who is also an ELCA pastor, and the mom of one rambunctious little guy, stepmom to two adult stepchildren, and grandma to one, and Momma of Nico the Cat.  She thrives in connection and community with others, exploring the use of media and technology in faith communities, and being real about who we are and who God has called us to be.  She enjoys ice hockey (#ALLCAPS!), a good beer, friends, laughter, art, poetry, and living boldly in faith every day.

  • Yoko Kingsley - Administration Lead - NEW Coming Soon!

  • Interviewing — Church Music Director

    We are currently interviewing for our next Music Director. If this could be you check out the job description below and reach out to Pastor Kim with a resume if you are interested. 

  • Ruth Bruneau - Chapel School Director - NEW - Coming SOON!