Daily Prayer Pause @ 1:30 pm
Join the Christ the King Lutheran Church community in our daily Prayer Pause @ 1:30p. Each week in eNews there will be a list of prayer points for each day in that week. Let us lift our voice to the Lord in prayer, wherever we are, together!
Fri, September 13 - in thanks for the wonder of God we see in the youngest around us
Sat, September 14 - for the people and ministry of the Congregational Church of Hollis
Sun, September 15 - for Pastor David Rinas who celebrates his 50th Year of Ordained Ministry
Mon, September 16 - for our pets - who bring companionship, joy, and love
Tues, September 17 - for the pastors of the New Hampshire Conference of the NE Synod who gather again today
Wed, September 18 - for all of us to do our part in caring for God's good creation
Thu, September 19 - for the people across the country who are preparing to staff local, state, and national electoral sites
Each week, beginning on Friday a new list will be created and shared...as we enter this time of prayer together, consider sharing your experience with others and inviting them to join us!