Embracing all people and responding to God's call, 

we seek to grow as disciples and share the love of Christ in the world.

Online Worship - February 9, 2025 - SNOW DAY

Join us on ZOOM for worship on Sunday, February 9, 2025!

First, download a PDF of the worship bulletin click HERE.

Then join us online for worship at 9:30am by clicking HERE.

This will be a simplified service - with no Holy Communion, yet we are the body of Christ gathered together in and through the Spirit, whenever two or three are gathered.  We'll see you tomorrow!

A few reminders for ZOOM (and I'll likely repeat these tomorrow):

* please have your camera on - it will make a world of difference to know who we are gathering in worship with

* download or print the worship service (above) BEFORE worship time

* shortly before we begin we will ask all participants to mute; please keep muted until you are asked/invited to unmute - this will allow the worship leaders and musicians to be heard

* we will leave the ZOOM room open for a bit following service for some time of fellowship, saying hello

* there's no stress and no worries - we've done this before and there will be issues, but we will work through those together

Prayers for those who must go out in the storm to do their job - jobs that often are done to care for us.

IF, there is no electricity, we will modify still and have no music. We will encourage everyone who can to join the service via a cell phone. IF you can't make it, God still loves you and so do we. We've got this!

Join us in worship each Sunday at 9:30am

You are always welcome to join us, as we all come together in and through the love of God.

CLICK HERE TO SEE the epiphany season BULLETIN

CLICK HERE TO SEE the weekly BULLETIN insert


If you do not find us on YouTube on Sundays it is likely that we are experiencing some Internet connectivity issues.  

Please check back later.

During inclement weather, check the following websites to find out if

in-person worship has been cancelled/moved to Zoom.



Check out last week's worship below 


Upcoming Events

Christ the King Lutheran Church is a Reconciling in Christ congregation, committed to serving and supporting the LGBTQ+ community in the Greater Nashua Area!

Christ the King Lutheran Church is located in Nashua, New Hampshire

at 3 Lutheran Drive, right off NH Rt 130.