First, download a PDF of the worship bulletin click HERE.
Then join us online for worship at 9:30am by clicking HERE.
This will be a simplified service - with no Holy Communion, yet we are the body of Christ gathered together in and through the Spirit, whenever two or three are gathered. We'll see you tomorrow!
* please have your camera on - it will make a world of difference to know who we are gathering in worship with
* download or print the worship service (above) BEFORE worship time
* shortly before we begin we will ask all participants to mute; please keep muted until you are asked/invited to unmute - this will allow the worship leaders and musicians to be heard
* we will leave the ZOOM room open for a bit following service for some time of fellowship, saying hello
* there's no stress and no worries - we've done this before and there will be issues, but we will work through those together